One Piece: 10 times Luffy just made it worse


Monkey D. Luffy is the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates and the protagonist of the A play series. As we see everywhere A play Luffy isn’t the smartest hacker in history, and he makes things worse at times. When the need arises, Luffy is extremely keen, but his decision making is questionable to say the least.

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Luffy often invites trouble without thinking twice. On occasion, Luffy has made an already bad situation worse for the Straw Hat Pirates – but that’s life in A play.

ten Luffy is stuck in a bird’s mouth on his way to Orange Town

Nami reading the map in One Piece

After joining Zoro on Shell’s Town, the two had no team and very little idea of ​​what they wanted to do next. An already bad situation was made even worse when Luffy was swept away by a bird in Orange Town. There, Luffy met Nami and was deceived by her quite easily. All of his decisions in Orange Town created a lot of trouble for Zoro and even Nami to some extent.

9 Luffy fell asleep fighting the black cat pirates

The Black Cats Pirates certainly weren’t easy for Luffy to take, and Django’s cunning made it even harder for him to fight them. After ripping off the hull of their ship to fight them, Luffy was put to sleep by Django quite easily and spent most of the fight asleep. Meanwhile, Zoro, Nami, and Usopp encountered a lot of trouble at the hands of the Nyaban brothers and Kuro himself.

8 Luffy got trapped in the fight against Arlong

Luffy’s fight against Arlong would have ended much sooner if Luffy hadn’t created problems for himself. To take Moomoo down, Luffy planted his feet in the ground and swung the beast, but later couldn’t break free. Arlong immediately threw it into the water and it took a lot of work to get out of it. Sanji had to survive Kuroobi’s assault, then smash a stone underwater to free Luffy so he could finally fight.

7 Luffy was almost executed in Loguetown

Luffy smiles broadly in the face of death

Luffy’s stay in Loguetown was certainly not pleasant as it was almost executed by Buggy and Alvida in the same location as Gol D. Roger 24 years ago. Luckily, Monkey D. Dragon was there and used his powers to save Luffy from imminent death.

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Without Dragon, Luffy would have died before he even reached the Grand Line and put his entire crew in danger, with Marines like Smoker already surrounding the place.

6 Luffy walked straight on the crocodile’s path on rainy dinners

Robin like miss all Sunday

In Alabasta’s arc, Luffy attempted to make his way to Crocodile when he reached Rain Dinners and instead found himself locked in a sea prism stone cage. What’s surprising is the fact that Luffy intentionally fell into Crocodile’s trap, just like the rest of his crew. Every member trapped in the cage would have died without Sanji’s clever plan to get them out. Once again, Luffy made the situation quite awkward.

5 When he let his shadow get caught by Moria

Luffy Against the Bark of Moria Thriller

Gecko Moria was the primary antagonist in the Thriller Bark arc. As Shichibukai, he proved to be quite a challenge for Luffy and his crew. When the crew set foot on Thriller Bark, they had no idea where to go and what to do next. As expected, Luffy made matters worse by getting captured. Immediately afterwards, Luffy’s shadow was taken from him by Moria and used to animate Oars, the legendary continent shooter. The oars created all kinds of trouble for the Straw Hat Pirates, all because Luffy was careless.

4 Luffy has been playing with Caesar’s clown for too long

Caesar Clown One Piece Gas Gas Fruit Punk Hazard

The Punk Hazard arc of A play saw Luffy confront Caesar Clown. As we see everywhere A play Luffy isn’t the smartest hacker in history, and he makes things worse at times.

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Luffy willingly let him fight and when Caesar removed the oxygen from the air, Luffy ended up losing the fight and was captured.

3 Luffy entered the Corrida Coliseum to win the Mera Mera No Mi

a play The Dressrosa arc saw Luffy fight in the Corrida Coliseum in order to win Ace’s Mera Mera no Mi. Although he knew it was a trap, Luffy had no choice but to fight there. Doflamingo had already predicted this and made sure that Luffy didn’t escape in the first place. Fortunately, Luffy was helped by Bellamy, Bartolomeo and, most importantly, his brother Sabo. Without them he would have been stuck there until he was turned into a toy.

2 Luffy did not immediately use Gear Fourth against Doflamingo

Luffy activates fourth gear

Luffy’s fight against Doflamingo was pretty tough, but only because he made it seem like it was. Having already wasted a lot of Haki, Luffy continued to use unnecessary attacks against Doflamingo and continued to waste his Haki and stamina. When Luffy got serious and used Gear Fourth, he was already too tired to finish Doflamingo. If Luffy had used Gear Fourth right away, Doflamingo would have been defeated easily and the Birdcage would have stopped much sooner.

1 Luffy attacked Kaido in a fit of rage in Wano Country

Luffy’s first fight against Kaido took place in Kuri when he saw the Yonko attacking his crew. Holding nothing back, Luffy risked destroying the entire plan the Akazaya was working hard for by attacking Kaido. Even when he threw everything he had at him, Luffy couldn’t hurt Kaido and was ultimately defeated with a single blow of Kaido’s kanabo covered in Conqueror’s Haki. Luffy ended up in Udon Prison and made the alliance plan much more difficult to achieve.

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